
Delightful Journey

Embarking on a delightful journey to Araku valley is like entering a heaven of natural wonders and cultural richness, the road winds through lush greenery, and as you ascend, the air becomes crisp and pure. Arriving in araku, the valley unfolds before you, a tapestry of hills & forests.


Whether you’re sipping coffee, trekking through hills, or immenning yourself in tribal heritage, every moment is a part of delightful journey filled with the wonders of nature and cultural richness.

Call Us

+91-9703 26 9703

Nature’s  Master Piece

Nature’s Masterpiece is always changing and adapting showing us its incredible and strength.It’s like a living,evolving artwork that teaches us about the wonders of the world we live in.


From the delicate petals of a blooming flower to the majestic peaks of towering mountains, each element contributes to the harmonious composition of Earth’s grandeur

Call Us

+91-9703 26 9703

Weekend Attractions

In Araku valley, weekends unfold as a delightful blend of natural wonders and cultural experiences. Visitors can embark on a scenic journey through the lush landscapes, the picturessque Borra caves stand as s geological marvel attracting curious minds with their stunning formations.

Call Us

+91-9703 26 9703


  • Borra Caves
  • Katiki Waterfalls
  • Ananthagiri Hills
  • Coffee Plantation
  • Padmapuram Gardens
  • Dumbriguda Waterfall
  • Araku Tribal Museum
  • Ananthagiri Hills